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15 Things That Scream OLD MONEY

Cigars, theatre boxes and friends in high places are all marks of mature wealth. SUBSCRIBE to ALUX:    / @alux   15 Differences Between NEW MONEY & OLD MONEY:    • 15 Differences Between NEW MONEY & OL...   Video Notes: Have a look at our premium courses: Mind Mastery: Get a free audiobook thanks to Audible: In this video we will be answering the following questions: What is considered old money? How does old money stay rich? Does old money still exist? What family has the oldest money? Who is a zillionaire? Who is the richest family ever? How many Trillionaires are there in world? Who is the richest person in the world? What is the wealthiest family in America? How would I look like with old money? Who has the oldest money in the world? What is the oldest family in America? Who is an example of old money? How many generations are there for old money? What is another word for old money? Why is new money an insult? What are the 3 rules of money? What are old money cars? Are most millionaires married? How long does it take to become old money? Who was the richest person in 1920? 00:00 - Intro 00:37 - Not buying into fleeting trends 01:12 - Horse Sports 01:47 - Not replacing something until necessary and buying quality 02:38 - Same-Same but Same 03:14 - Family tree 03:43 - A knowledge of classical music, opera, ballets and languages 04:10 - History 04:48 - Time is more valuable than money 05:26 - Straight forward answers 06:00 - Avoiding talking about money 06:20 - Ivy League universities 06:54 - Summering in the South of France 07:38 - A Member of the board 08:01 - Legacy 08:37 - A long-game vision 09:08 - Question - Get Rich Playlist:    • Get Rich Playlist -   Take Action Playlist:    • TAKE ACTION by   All Sunday Motivational Videos:    • Sunday Motivational Videos   Book Club:    •'s Book Club   - Social Media:   / alux     / alux     / aluxcom   --- is the largest community of luxury & fine living enthusiasts in the world. We are the #1 online resource for ranking the most expensive things in the world and frequently referenced in publications such as Forbes, USAToday, Wikipedia and many more, as the GO-TO destination for luxury content! Our website: is the largest social network for people who are passionate about LUXURY! Join today! SUBSCRIBE so you never miss another video: -- To see how rich is your favorite celebrity go to: -- For businesses inquiries we're available at:
