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Ukraine-Russia War: Wali, the 'world's deadliest sniper' joins Ukrainian forces | OneIndia news 2 года назад

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Ukraine-Russia War: Wali, the 'world's deadliest sniper' joins Ukrainian forces | OneIndia news

Russia's unprovoked attack on Ukraine has led to the massive destruction of civilian property leaving many injured and dead as well. Responding to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's call to foreign nationals to come forward to help defend Ukraine, world's most feared sniper, nicknamed Wali and popularly known as "world's deadliest sniper" has reached Ukraine. #RussiaUkraineWar #Wali #Ukrainearmy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oneindia News is a youth-driven channel that brings you stories that need your attention, are popular, informative, and entertaining. Follow and like us for thought-provoking & exclusive content... Youtube: Like us on Facebook:   / oneindianews   Follow us on Instagram:   / oneindia_news   We are there on Twitter:   / oneindia  
