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"The Imperfect Union: Corruption Exposure and Its Consequences", M.Venturini, Research Slam #3, 2023 1 год назад

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"The Imperfect Union: Corruption Exposure and Its Consequences", M.Venturini, Research Slam #3, 2023

Corruption scandals have a high news value and are exploited by the media. This has devastating consequences for the organizations concerned, far beyond the elimination of the corrupt activities. Using the example of corruption scandals at trade unions, doctoral student Miriam Venturini illustrates the lasting negative effects of image damage. Miriam Venturini is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Economics of the University of Zurich. She is a political economist and economic historian. Her presentation was part of the Department of Economics’ Annual Research Night, supported by the Excellence Foundation Zurich. #uzh #pioneeringeconomics #laborunions #unions #corruption
