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Finally sharing with you all our first-ever family trip to New Zealand documented in this special travel vlog! We'll take you through our long journey from the Philippines to New Zealand, sharing all the excitement, challenges, and joy we experienced along the way. It's truly a pleasure to share this adventure with my family, especially with my one-year-old baby girl who already got to experience traveling to another country at such a young age! Mommy is so happy and proud because she was really good and never cried during the very long plane travels! This vlog will surely give you a glimpse of what to expect when traveling to New Zealand, whether you're an avid traveler or a family looking for inspiration for your next vacation. So, don't miss this out, and stay tuned for our upcoming New Zealand exciting adventures!! ▶ CHECK OUT MY OTHER NEW ZEALAND VLOGS 📽️ ♡ Akaroa, New Zealand | Town Tour:    • AKAROA, NEW ZEALAND | Town Tour   ♡ Christchurch Botanic Gardens:    • CHRISTCHURCH BOTANIC GARDENS | New Ze...   ♡ New Zealand Shopping + Night Walk:    • NEW ZEALAND SHOPPING + NIGHT WALK | N...   ♡ Exploring Banks Peninsula, New Zealand - Stunning Akaroa Harbour!:    • EXPLORING BANKS PENINSULA, NEW ZEALAN...   ▶ GET IN TOUCH 📩 [email protected] ▶ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL 📱 Facebook:   / jessa.andreal18   Instagram:   / jandrealml   Tiktok:   / jessaandreal  
