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INFP Personality Inside & Out... 1 год назад

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INFP Personality Inside & Out...

INFP, what makes you YOU? What makes the INFP personality tick? What are the building blocks of the INFP personality type? In this video I'll explain the INFP personality type inside and out - from their cognitive functions Introverted Feeling, Extraverted Intuition, Introverted Sensing, and Extraverted Thinking to their strengths, weaknesses, and unique gift to the world. INFP Cognitive Functions: 1. Introverted Feeling (Fi) 2. Extraverted Intuition (Ne) 3. Introverted Sensing (Si) 4. Extraverted Thinking (Te) 5. Extraverted Feeling (Fie 6. Introverted Intuition (Ni) 7. Extraverted Sensing (Se) 8. Introverted Thinking (Ti) 0:00 How does Myers Briggs relate to cognitive functions? 3:25 Overused Strength Fi for INFP 10:46 Underused Strength Ne for INFP 18:02 Overused Weakness Si for INFP 29:01 Underused Weakness Te for INFP Cognitive Functions Playlist: ⬇️    • Cognitive Functions   Myers Briggs 101 Playlist: ⬇️    • Myers Briggs 101   ⬇️ Personality Playlists: ⬇️ INFJ:    • INFJ   INTJ:    • INTJ   ENFJ:    • ENFJ   ENTJ:    • ENTJ   INTP:    • INTP   INFP:    • INFP   ENFP:    • ENFP   ENTP:    • ENTP   ISTP:    • ISTP   ESTP:    • ESTP   ESFP:    • ESFP   ISFP:    • ISFP   ESTJ:    • ESTJ   ESFJ:    • ESFJ   ISTJ:    • ISTJ   ISFJ:    • ISFJ   Quotes are taken from the books: Psychological Types by Carl Jung Conscious Orientation by J.H. Van Der Hoop Gifts Differing by Isabel Briggs Myers with Peter B. Myers FAQ: Have you heard of the 8-function model? Yes, I was introduced to the 8-function model in approx. 2015/16, and I have been working on Ti in my personal life which is not in my top 4. My "Inside Out" series touches on it, and I plan to dive deeper in a future series. Have you heard of socionics, enneagram, tritype, vultology, 4 sides of the mind, interaction styles, OPS, or CPT? Yes to all. I have a couple collabs and videos on my channel about enneagram and socionics. The other systems I've heard of and studied on a surface-level, and own/have read books on many of the above topics. For one reason or another, none of these topics have interested me enough to discuss regularly on the channel. Stereotyping: Any time I say a behavioral example of how a type shows up like "I tend to notice a lot of ISTJs with fitbits" this is to ground the theoretical concept for viewers who have repeatedly asked me to give behavioral examples and to make content less abstract and confusing. However, any time I stray from motives and transfer to behavior, it will lose universal application. Any time I give an example like this, it is not an absolute, it is not a rule, that behavior is not exclusive to that type, that behavior is not the exclusive manifestation of a type's motives, not everyone or even most of the type might do that thing; but it is simply a one-time example of how the motivations that ISTJs share could manifest - not how they must manifest. In addition, different motivations aside from Si-Te motivations could also prompt someone to get a fitbit, so this behavior alone cannot be used to type someone. In my day to day life, I do not see people with a fitbit and therefore declare them an ISTJ. Any example I give did not come from inductive reasoning which gets applied universally like "I saw 3 ISTJs who wear fitbits therefore all ISTJs have fitbits." In addition these examples can be backed up deductively with Carl Jung's and Van Der Hoop's writing like "Si is finely attuned to sense organs"; "Te likes outcomes and metrics" "therefore an example could be, but is not limited to, ISTJs wearing fitbits, especially when used to measure sense organs." I have been working on Ti and thus curbing misunderstandings on this front, but in case I say something contrary to this belief, it was due to sloppy Te langauge (or it was a non-serious joke) and not because I believe differently.
