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Learn to Play Theme from Gravity Falls - Hard Mode [Piano Tutorial] (Synthesia)

Want to take your piano playing to the next level? Go check out flowkey! It’s free to try! ➤ Flowkey: 🎹 About This Tutorial 🎹 This tutorial is based on an arrangement by mozartandi2. Check them out on MuseScore!! :D This series of Synthesia piano tutorial videos is designed to teach YOU how to play Gravity Falls and other music like a pro! There are four difficulty levels: easy, medium, hard, and insane. Each level builds off of the one before it. This video is hard mode, and there are links to the other difficulties in the description below. Welcome to hard mode! One more to go! Keep practicing! Too hard? Try playing a different song on easy or medium, slowing down the video, playing one hand at a time, or dropping down a level: ➤ Easy Mode:    • Learn to Play Theme from Gravity Fall...   ➤ Medium Mode:    • Learn to Play Theme from Gravity Fall...   Too easy? Try playing a different song on hard, speeding up the video, or moving up a level: ➤ Insane Mode:    • Learn to Play Theme from Gravity Fall...   My goal for this channel is to get people who aren’t piano players and can’t read music to be able to play fun songs on the keyboard. I use a program called Synthesia to create keyboard tutorial videos that can be played by anyone! If you have any suggestions for songs you would like to see, I would love to hear them! 🎹 GEAR 🎹 ♫ Stickers ♫ If you’re a beginner, these stickers can help you remember which keys go with which notes. ➤ Black & White Stickers: ➤ Color Stickers: ♫ Keyboards ♫ Looking for a keyboard so you can start practicing? Yamaha and Casio both make high quality, affordable beginner keyboards. ➤ Casio SA77: ➤ Casio CTK2400: ➤ Yamaha PSRE253: ➤ Casio CTK6200: ➤ Yamaha YPG-235: ♫ Books and Other Resources ♫ Looking for something to help take your playing to the next level? I really like these piano books. Go check them out! ➤ Alfred's Basic Piano Course: ➤ Alfred's All In One Course: ➤ Piano Adventures All In One Piano Course: 🎹 Let’s Connect! 🎹 ♫ Social Media ♫ ➤ Facebook:   / keytuts   ➤ Twitter:   / key_tuts   ♫ Let’s Support Each Other! ♫ ➤ Patreon:   / keytuts   ➤ Amazon Storefront: Affiliate links: flowkey, Amazon.
