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German BF Makes Me Christmas Treats 16 часов назад

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German BF Makes Me Christmas Treats

Christmas is almost here, so German BF baked me some classic traditional German Christmas treats including Christstollen (spoiler: it’s way harder than it looks), Haselnussmakronen, and Vanillekipferl. I also helped him make some super cute cut-out cookies and we decorated them together. It was a long but really fun baking session. --- Hi, I'm Uyen Ninh but please just call me Uyen! Originally from Vietnam, I now explore life in Germany, sharing my unique perspective through my videos on my way to be your favorite Ausländer! 😁 Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Videos and Shorts: @uyenninh Instagram: TikTok: [email protected] 0:00 Intro 0:56 Christstollen 7:00 Haselnussmakronen 10:15 Plätzchen 15:27 Spitzbuben 16:24 Vanillekipferl 20:36 Outro
