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Скачать с ютуб SOLD Smile on Spring Creek | Fredericksburg, Texas Ranch for Sale в хорошем качестве

SOLD Smile on Spring Creek | Fredericksburg, Texas Ranch for Sale 11 месяцев назад

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SOLD Smile on Spring Creek | Fredericksburg, Texas Ranch for Sale

Smile on Spring Creek | 124 Acres | $8.8M Traveling down Highway 290 just 10 miles west of Fredericksburg, Texas, it’s impossible to miss the 124± acre ranch, known as Smile on Spring Creek. Instead of an X, 25-foot-tall limestone letters affixed by rebar to a steep berm that spell out “SMILE”, mark the spot. The one-of-a-kind property that fronts on Old Harper Road and provides peaceful, elbow room just minutes from Fredericksburg’s charming, revitalized downtown provides plenty of reasons to smile. A rare mix of natural beauty, abundant water and history with touches of wonder and whimsy exist within its low-fenced boundaries. Full property details at
