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What is the scale of landmine contamination in Ukraine? | DW News 4 дня назад

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What is the scale of landmine contamination in Ukraine? | DW News

In Ukraine, it’s not just the frontline that’s a minefield. Nearly three years after Russia’s full-scale invasion, experts describe the territory as “massively contaminated”, with landmines alone affecting up to 40% of the territory. Unexploded ordnance is another problem, even near the capital Kyiv. Rebecca Ritters visited Bovar, a outskirts town where Ukrainian veterans help clear the land from landmines. #ukraine #ordnance #landmines For more news go to: For more news, analysis and background information on the German election 2025 go to our dedicated page: Follow DW on social media: ►Instagram:   / dwnews   ►TikTok:   / dwnews   ►Facebook:   / deutschewellenews   ►Twitter:   / dwnews   Für Videos in deutscher Sprache besuchen Sie:    / dwdeutsch   Subscribe:
