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Скачать с ютуб Charles Aznavour received the Raoul Wallenberg Medal в хорошем качестве

Charles Aznavour received the Raoul Wallenberg Medal 7 лет назад

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Charles Aznavour received the Raoul Wallenberg Medal

Charles Aznavour and his sister Aida received the Raoul Wallenberg Medal They gave shelter to Jews and other persecuted during the Holocaust The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF) bestowed the “Raoul Wallenberg Medal” upon the siblings Aida and Charles Aznavour. This prestigious award is a token of recognition to the Aznavour family, mother Knar, father Mischa and their aforementioned daughter and son, who during the dark days of the Nazi occupation in France, reached-out to those persecuted by the Nazis. The ceremony of bestowal took place on 26 October 2017, at the Official Residence of the President of the State of Israel, Reuven Rivlin. More Info: Credit video: Office of the President of Israel Camera: Avi Kanar Sound: Uri Buzaglo
