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Скачать с ютуб Giorgio Armani Privé - 2023 Spring/Summer Fashion Show - Rondò в хорошем качестве

Giorgio Armani Privé - 2023 Spring/Summer Fashion Show - Rondò 1 год назад

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Giorgio Armani Privé - 2023 Spring/Summer Fashion Show - Rondò

An imaginary dance, composed of lines, light and colours that vibrate delicately, as if refracted through a prism. This collection is a luminescent fantasy in which the clothes dance and shine. Small, jewelled jackets, long skirts, fluid trousers and sheath dresses that create seductive silhouettes. Diamond motifs inspired by a painting of Harlequin punctuate the surfaces with colourful geometries in peony pink, turquoise, emerald green and royal blue. Black hems scribble over the figure or run along the profile of the clothes, while the face is illuminated by small gorgères or hidden by tulle veils. Just like the Rococo interiors of Venetian palazzos, it is the splendour of light, multiplied by extraordinary embroidery, that creates the most precious sensations. Everything is light, impalpable and glittering. The diamonds motif expands onto the catwalk, in a painting that becomes reality.
