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Find Your Life's Purpose Guided Meditation 2 года назад

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Find Your Life's Purpose Guided Meditation

What is our life's purpose? What a big question, right? If we're trying to answer this question with our logical mind, we're just going to continue to feel confused. After all, the question is about the soul's purpose not the "mind's purpose." The soul is the most ancient part of us. It lives forever and ever. It is a creation of Source energy. As humans, we are mind, body and soul. When we ask the question, "What is our soul's purpose?" we are asking it to our soul. We need to get access to our soul to be able to hear the answer. In this meditation, I take you on a journey to connect with your soul and soul's contract. This way you can get answers for yourself. If it doesn't work for you the first time, don't worry. Keep trying. Meditation requires consistent practice, and being able to see these visuals requires mind focus. Don't give up on yourself. And please share your takeaways from your journey through this meditation. --- 🔮 About Nikki Nikki Novo is a Cuban-American, best-selling author, spiritual teacher and intuitive healer who guides people to find clarity and purpose in all areas of their lives. Visit: IG:   / nikkinovo   My free membership Soul Collective: ✨ Do you want to find your life's purpose? Join me for the Soul Led Purpose course:
