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Скачать с ютуб How to carry on Shen, a step-by-step guide (AloisNL coaching) в хорошем качестве

How to carry on Shen, a step-by-step guide (AloisNL coaching) 1 месяц назад

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How to carry on Shen, a step-by-step guide (AloisNL coaching)

Find my stream at:   / shending_help   My Discord:   / discord   Alois YT:    / @aloisnl   Alois Twitch:   / alois_nl   Shen Matchup-Doc (updated 2024): 0:00 Intro 4:00 Shen overview (strengths / weaknesses) 23:00 Ranged Matchups 28:47 How to play out trades/wave from lvl 1 1:00:30 Lvl 2 all-in 1:08:40 What to do after the enemy dies, and wavecrashing 1:32:30 How to snowball a lead after your first recall / freezing 1:42:50 R usage 1:57:45 Splitpushing / teamfighting FlufflePillow was here :)
