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Tahini Halva | Quick And Easy | Bakers Bites

This is one of the easiest desert you will ever. all you need it few things laying around in your pantry. be sure the try the recipe and let us know how it turned out. Be sure to like, share, comment and subscribe Ingredients Tahini 300g sesame seed 6 tbsp. Oil Halva 90g milk powder 190g icing suagr Tahini paste 100g chopped pistachios Tahini Dry roast the sesame seed Slightly until u can smell the aroma. Let it cool down slightly. In a mixer or blender add the seeds and oil and plenty till it forms a smooth paste Halva In a bowl add milk Powe and icing suagr and mix well, now add the tahini paste and mix with spatula then with hand. When u press it, it should hold its shape but should crumble. Don't over mix. Add to the prepared tray and press down firmly and smooth it out And the chopped pistachios and press down. Place the halva in the fridge for an hour or until ready to serve. Music:    • Arabian Oud Music,  Arabic Music, Mid...   Instagram: @cookiecrew13 Facebook: Cookie Crew Lesotho Tiktok: @cookiecrew13
