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🇩🇪 Jurgen Klinsmann | FIFA World Cup Goals

A German legend. A FIFA World Cup Champion. Relive all of Jurgen Klinsmann's World Cup goals across three editions - Italy 1990, USA 1994 and France 1998. #JurgenKlinsmann #WorldCup #Goals #Germany Subscribe for the latest original content:    / @fifa   Miroslav Klose | FIFA World Cup Goals:    • 🇩🇪 Miroslav Klose | FIFA World Cup Goals   Goal Reels | FIFA World Cup:    • 🌟 Goal Compilations | FIFA World Cup ...   Best #WorldCup stories:    • 🏆 Classic World Cup Stories | FIFA   Get your football fill from FIFA: 👉   / fifaworldcup   👉   / fifawomensworldcup   👉   / fifaworldcup   👉   / fifawwc   👉   / fifaworldcup   👉   / fifawomensworldcup​  
