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Скачать с ютуб A Secret and Beautiful Palace of Mughal Kings | Summer Palace | Shahab Omer в хорошем качестве

A Secret and Beautiful Palace of Mughal Kings | Summer Palace | Shahab Omer 2 месяца назад

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A Secret and Beautiful Palace of Mughal Kings | Summer Palace | Shahab Omer

#heritagechronicles #shahabomer In this captivating video, we explore a secret palace of the Mughal emperors hidden beneath the Lahore Fort. This underground marvel features escape tunnels, a mysterious well, and many other intriguing elements. The palace showcases the grandeur of Mughal architecture, with whispering walls, royal chambers, and rooms for princes and princesses. Never opened to the public before, the palace is a site of recent archaeological discoveries. Historians debate its origins, with some attributing it to Emperor Shah Jahan, while others believe it was built during the reign of Emperor Jahangir. The palace is steeped in history, and though currently closed, conservation efforts by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture and the Walled City of Lahore Authority are underway to prepare it for public viewing soon. Don't miss this fascinating journey into one of Lahore's hidden Mughal treasures!
