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Making a difference to the Landscape as Photographers (feat. Joe Cornish) 5 лет назад

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Making a difference to the Landscape as Photographers (feat. Joe Cornish)

UPDATE MARCH 26: Wow - Meg's Grove has reached 1,368 trees!! The support has been overwhelming - THANK YOU! The prize draw has taken place and the winner, Mrs Doyle, chose this print from Glen Coe in Scotland: This is a video I've been wanting to produce for a while as I feel it's a very important message that supports my own beliefs as a photographer and supports a cause that really can make a difference. We're very lucky to be enjoying and photographing nature and so giving back to the landscape could help our photography as we strengthen our connection with the great outdoors through the choices we make and the pictures we take. I've set up a woodland grove called 'Meg's Grove' through Trees For Life and I'd be extremely grateful if you could donate at least £6 to plant a tree. I don't have an affiliation with Trees For Life, this is just one way of expressing my immeasurable gratitude. All donations of £6 or more will be entered into a draw to win an A3 limited edition print of your choice. Closing date to win a print is the 17th March 2019. The winner will be announced on my website on the 20th March. Simply click the 'Add trees to this grove' button on the website below and please ensure you enter your name and a comment when donating so that you can be identified: ► DONATE A TREE For some more information about this video, please see my blog post: A huge thank you to Joe Cornish for his valuable & heartfelt contribution and his generous support in Meg's Grove. ------------------------------------------ ► WORKSHOPS & PRINTS ► SOCIAL Instgram:   /   Facebook:   / simonbaxterphotography   Twitter:   / simonbaxter   ► MY GEAR ► MUSIC 'Belong' by Chris Coleman 'See' by Chris Roary 'Endless Story' by The Light The Heat 'Eyes Wide Open' by Tony Anderson All music is sourced from Music Bed. Check out their membership plans (affiliate link): #Photography #JoeCornish #MegsGrove
