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Скачать с ютуб Daisaku Kuze Boss Fights — Yakuza 0 PC Gameplay [4K 60FPS] в хорошем качестве

Daisaku Kuze Boss Fights — Yakuza 0 PC Gameplay [4K 60FPS] 3 года назад

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Daisaku Kuze Boss Fights — Yakuza 0 PC Gameplay [4K 60FPS]

0:00 Second Encounter Kuze pursues Kiryu in the sewers as part of the Dojima family's manhunt for him, this time armed with a metal pipe and a motorcycle. He attacks Kiryu, remarking that he will keep fighting as long as he's alive. Kiryu beats Kuze in a fight for the second time. 4:26 Rematch Kiryu encounters Kuze a third time after being cornered in the streets by the Dojima Family, and with the aid of other yakuza, Kiryu is knocked down. Before Kuze can deliver the finishing blow, however, Tachibana arrives and runs him over with his car, saving Kiryu. 8:26 Second Rematch Seeing Tachibana at death's door, Kiryu roars in anger and beats down Kuze and his subordinates again. Kiryu vows to Kuze that if the Tojo Clan harms Makoto Makimura in any way, Kiryu will crush the entire clan. Kuze realizes how serious Kiryu is and muses that the boy "has become a true yakuza." 13:06 Final Fight Later, Kuze receives orders from Shibusawa to plant bombs in the Kazama Family HQ, but he is interrupted by Kiryu. They fight one last time. After the fight, Kuze tells Kiryu that there is no turning back once he walks into the deepest pits of the yakuza world. Yakuza Playlist    • Yakuza   BGM: Pledge of Demon / Oath of Enma    • 怨魔の契り      • 閻魔の誓い   #Yakuza #Yakuza0 #RyuGaGotoku
