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Adding Queen Cells To Spilts 11 лет назад

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Adding Queen Cells To Spilts

Learn to add queen cells to queen less colonies. While visiting the Ohio Country boy he showed how he adds queen cells to splits. These are cells he grafted himself from his strongest colonies. Once the cells reach their 10th day he then adds them to splits which are made up 24 hours ahead of time. This give the splits enough time to realize they are queen-less.He also shows how to properly use a cell protector. These are used to keep the bees from chew out the side of the cells and killing the queen. To learn more about "Raising your own queen bees" Go to Are you an aspiring beekeeper looking for help? Check out my new E-book which is pack full of beekeeping knowledge. ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ Please watch: " Caging A Queen Bee " ➨    • Caging A Queen Bee   ~-~~-~~~-~~-~
