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Brian Rast Keeps it Keto | 2018 Poker Masters | 411

The topic of conversation at Brian Rast's Poker Masters $100K Main Event table: ketosis. Drea Renee gets the "411" from the former Super High Roller Bowl winner on the benefits of his new diet, which could include some more No Limit Hold'em studying in the near future. Stay tuned for more "411" updates from the 2018 Poker Masters, and subscribe to PokerGO to watch all the poker action live! Sign-Up for an annual subscription and get $10 off: Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Connect with Poker Central on Social: Facebook:   / pokercentral   Twitter:   / pokercentral   Instagram:   / pokercentral   Twitch:   / pokercentral   Snapchat: pokercentral Periscope: Connect with PokerGO on Social: Facebook:   / pokergo   Twitter:   / pokergo  
