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Paper flowers grow roots like crazy thanks to coca cola solution

Paper flowers grow roots like crazy thanks to coca cola solution. Welcome to KENY Garden channel. Watch my videos to learn how to make your garden more wonderful. In the videos, I often use a mixture of soil, rice husks, coconut fiber, organic fertilizer, etc. You can also use other agricultural by-products such as composted manure. Or chemical fertilizers such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium with adequate content. Thanks you for watching my video If you like our videos don't forget to press the "Subscribe" and "Like" buttons. #rose #flowers #paper Garden Homemade Garden Grafting Methods How to Plant Planting Bananas Plant Propagation Methods Recycling Unique Planting Techniques Grafting Techniques Propagation by Leaves Guava Mango Banana Lemon Tree How to Graft Mangoes Grafting Jackfruit Propagation of Bananas Using Coca-Cola Unique Mango Propagation
