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Скачать с ютуб 13 Great Luxury Cars For Less Than $5k!! в хорошем качестве

13 Great Luxury Cars For Less Than $5k!! 1 год назад

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13 Great Luxury Cars For Less Than $5k!!

Hey guys welcome back to the channel and today we are doing another budget sports cars video but this time they ain’t even sports cars really. Luxury or comfortable cars aren’t really my Kia forte but I hope I did well. If you enjoy please be sure to like, comment another video you wanna see, and subscribe for more!! Check out the SmoothStance shop to pick up stickers/clothes/etc!!! ~SOCIALS~ Business Instagram: Personal Instagram: Snapchat: Giggity2800 Twitch: !!!ALL CLIPS BELONG TO THEIR OWNERS/CREATORS!!!
