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UK vs Netherlands: Where Do Our Car Boot Finds Make the Most Money?

It's time for another car boot sale, and this time we're in Birmingham UK, hunting for hidden gems. The video is different from usual because I decided to show you guys this time the raw and uncut version. There is little to no editing, and you’re seeing the real deal. I thought it would be fun to show a video like this for once, and I hope you enjoy it. Car boot fairs on this side of the ocean always start very early in the morning, but that doesn't stop anyone here from wandering around at this hour. We find several great bargains to take back to the Netherlands that we can trade for profit, and we've even picked up a few finds for our own collection. We also show the difference in profit if we were to trade everything in the UK versus in the Netherlands. If you enjoy hunting for vintage games and consoles, make sure to like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell so you never miss an episode! ===== #CarBootSale #RetroGaming #Playstation #Nintendo #PS2 #PS3 #RetroCollecting #ProjectScumbag
