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Cutaway Applique Tutorial - Learn This Art Quilting Technique Learn how to create the Eclipse Quilt, a super simple, free-form quilt created with Cutaway Applique, a very easy art quilting technique. Check out these videos to learn more about making applique quilts: Fusible Applique Part 1 -    • How To Quickly And Easily Cut Fusible...   Fusible Applique Part 2 -    • How to Arrange Fusible Appliques and ...   Blanket Stitch on Applique -    • How to Blanket Stitch on Applique wit...   Satin Stitch Applique -    • How to Satin Stitch Applique with a R...   Jump ahead to find the part of this quilting tutorial you need to see: 00:00 Cutaway applique tutorial - 30 minute Art Quilt! 00:29 Stitching the cut line on a home machine 01:14 Cutting away the fabric to reveal the first applique 01:36 Plan the next applique layer - mark and then stitch 02:08 How the cutaway applique quilt progresses 03:34 Free motion quilting free form stitching 04:17 Cutaway applique a free form shape 04:42 Sneak peek to crazy quilted scarf project 04:58 Two Cutaway Applique Art Quilts
