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Animate a Character in 15 Minutes in Blender 3 года назад

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Animate a Character in 15 Minutes in Blender

Learn how to model, rig and animate a walking character in 15 minutes! We'll create a quadruped that can walk in any direction, using a combination of curves, constraints and armature. Then we'll tie it all together with random movement, giving it life and personality! If you want to support the channel:   / polyfjord   Instagram:   / polyfjord   Made with Blender - Free and open source software: 00:00 What we will be creating 00:21 Modeling the leg 01:39 Setting up the IK rig 02:55 Creating the body 03:57 Creating the motion path 04:51 Animating the leg movement 06:03 Creating more legs 07:07 Direction controller setup 08:34 Adding random movement 10:16 Walking across the screen 11:55 The cherry on top! 13:03 Testing the rig 13:33 Ease of use in other projects 14:05 Thanks for watching! Intro and background music is from YouTube Audio Library. Outro music is from Note: Purchases made through the links below may provide some compensation to Polyfjord. (This is a great way to support the channel!): 🎵 Music from 🎵 Outro Song:
