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Giro's Bike Gear Guide: E-biking 2 года назад

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Giro's Bike Gear Guide: E-biking

So you just got yourself a shiny new e-bike… congrats! Now, what do you need to stay safe and comfortable? Do e-bikes require special helmets? Our host, Gemma, breaks it down. Watch all our Bike Gear Guide episodes here: Our beginner gear guide series is here to make getting out on your bike feel less overwhelming. We've been making cycling gear since 1985 and know bike helmets, shoes, and apparel inside and out. We’re proud of the details of our gear and what sets us apart from other brands but let’s face it, tech talk can get confusing. The sheer amount of options for every piece of gear can feel stressful, so we’re taking a moment to simplify the discussion and help you decide what you really need in order to have a safe and enjoyable experience on your bike. Keep striving for further, faster, and better and we’ll keep making the gear that gets you there. Stay up to date on our latest products and projects: YouTube: ►    / girosportdesign   Instagram: ► Bike:   / girocycling   ► Snow:   / girosnow   Facebook: ► Bike:   / girosportdesign   ► Snow:   / girosnow   Keep up with the latest Giro news: ► #LiveForThis
