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How to play Spikeball

Learn the 2021 Tournament Rules to the sport Spikeball quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules. Don't own the game? Buy it here: - - - - - - - - - - - - (As an Amazon Affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases) RULES: The object of the game is to be the first team to score 21 points, win by two. Inflate the ball to a 12 inch circumference. Assemble the frame, called the set, and wrap the net evenly around it so when the ball is dropped anywhere on it from a height of five feet, it will bounce up about 20 inches. Divide the players into two teams of two players. Players start in four positions around the net, 90 degrees apart. Teammates are located next to each other. All players must start with their body at least 7 feet from the net. Pick one team to serve first and that team sets their positions and gives the ball to their first server. Once the serving team is set, the receiving team positions their players. The player opposite the server is the receiver. Once the server is set, the receiver can adjust their position and move anywhere without the 7 foot restriction. The server will continue to serve until the receiving team wins a point. Once the receiving team wins a point, they get the service possession and choose who will start serving for their team from then on. Service alternates between teammates after each change of service position before serving. The server must set their feet. At least one foot must maintain contact with the ground until the ball hits the net. All parts of the server's body, and the ball must be behind the 7 foot service line when the ball is struck. The server may take one step in any direction, pivoting off their other foot. Once they step, their foot cannot move until the ball hits the net. Before serving you must call the current score. To serve, toss the ball up at least four inches, then hit it with your other hand. The ball cannot be caught, carried or thrown. Serves may be struck with any amount of force. Short serves are allowed. Serves may not be hit higher than the receiver shoulder when they are in an athletic position. A serve may be hit at any angle. The receiving team must call out any serving faults before the ball is hit for a second time. If they do, then the server is allocated one additional serve. If a second fault occurs then the receiving team earns one point and possession of the serve. A service fault is any of the following: -The ball is struck before traveling four inches. -The ball is struck closer than seven feet to the net. -Any part of the server's body contacts the ground within the 7 foot service line. -The server does not maintain one point of contact with their pivot foot or stepping foot. -The ball's trajectory changes due to proximity to the rim without contacting the rim. This is called a pocket. The exception to this is if the ball hits near the server side of the net where it typically bounces low and hard without a change in direction. This is legal. -The ball's initial contact with the set hits the rim or legs directly. -The ball misses the net entirely. -The ball lands underneath the net. -The ball bounces multiple times on the net or bounces on the net, then hits the frame on the way down. -After the ball is served, the first contact is by a player on the serving team. -The ball is tossed up and isn't hit. -Dropping or catching a toss all counts as a fault. Only the designated receiver can field the serve. If the serving team wins the point, the server switches positions with their partner and serves to the other member of the opposing team. After every five points, all players rotate one position counterclockwise around the net to equalize conditions. If a non-receiving or non-serving player takes a step before the ball is hit by the server, the first team to do so loses a point. If the infraction happens simultaneously, the point is replayed. A team is allowed a maximum of three hits that alternate between players for returning the ball to the net. If they hit it four times or the same player hits it twice in a row, then that team loses the point. If teammates touch the ball simultaneously, it is counted as two hits and either team may take the next hit, provided they have not already used all three hits. A hit is any contact with the ball by a player. The ball may touch any part of the body. The ball must be struck. It cannot be caught, lifted, or thrown. Players may not hit...
