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Скачать с ютуб Colorful and Easy Crayola Model Magic Crafts | DIY Crafts || Crayola CIY в хорошем качестве

Colorful and Easy Crayola Model Magic Crafts | DIY Crafts || Crayola CIY 1 год назад

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Colorful and Easy Crayola Model Magic Crafts | DIY Crafts || Crayola CIY

Shape and sculpt your way to the perfect craft project! Soft and squishy Crayola Model Magic has endless possibilities. Make learning fun by creating a game that teaches recycling habits. Build a farm scene and add stick puppets of your favorite animals, or grab some leftover cardboard to open your own pizza shop with any topping you can imagine. Crayola Model Magic is perfect for any budding artist! Timestamps: 0:10 Recycling Game 1:02 DIY Farm Playset 1:58 Cardboard Pizza Oven Crayola believes in unleashing, nurturing, and celebrating the colorful originality in every child by offering tools that inspire kids and giving colorful wings to the invisible things that grow in their hearts and minds.
