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10 Surprising Signs You're A Lightworker

Lightworker did you forget this when you were born? If you experience these 10 signs or traits you are a lightworker Free Online Breath-work Session 👇 👉 🌿 Ayahuasca Retreats in Costa Rica Learn More ► 🔥Coaching With Victor Learn More ► Ascension Body (Fitness Program For Empaths) Learn More ► FREE Higher Self - MP3 Guided Meditation: MY WEBSITE / BLOG - INSTAGRAM -   / victoroddo   Lightworkers are not special... they are however unique... they are here with a genuine mission! Dolores Cannon, a famous hypnotist has conducted thousands of these sessions called qhht sessions and there came a point where the people started saying the same WILD thing! - that there is a major shift happening on the planet right now... the Earth is in trouble... there was a call put out in the heavenly realms... who can come help the earth? Who will volunteer to come down and assist the planet as it transitions into 4th density, or the 5th dimension. The follks, the souls that said, i'm in! - are the lightworkers. The thing is... most lightworkers forgot that they have a mission, forgot who they are, forgot why they came... until now. Now the lightworkers are starting to see 11:11 on clocks, 1111 on license plates to trigger their awakening. NOW the lightworkers are waking up and remembering their important mission and this video is to help with just that to help you, fellow lighworker, remember who you are and why you're here. Enjoy! For music in video -
