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The Ancient Religion of the Columbia River 2 года назад

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The Ancient Religion of the Columbia River

(16 Aug 2022) RESTRICTION SUMMARY: ASSOCIATED PRESS Bonneville, Oregon - 21 June 2022 1. Aerial view of the Columbia River ASSOCIATED PRESS Bingen, Washington- 17 June 2022 ++SOT COVERED++ 2. SOUNDBITE (English) Bill Yallup Jr., river chief: "It's our belief that makes the river sacred. ASSOCIATED PRESS Lyle, Washington - 19 June 2022 3. The Lyle Falls on the Klickitat River 4. Aerial view of the Klickitat River ASSOCIATED PRESS The Dalles, Oregon - 19 June 2022 5. Aerial view of the Columbia River flowing from The Dalles Dam ASSOCIATED PRESS Bingen, Washington- 17 June 2022 6. Flowers blowing in the wind ++SOT PARTIALLY COVERED++ 7. SOUNDBITE (English) Bill Yallup Jr., river chief: "Our prayers and everything, and our understanding of all of us is help the river to maintain a spiritual identity." 8. Yallup standing on a cliff overlooking the Columbia River ASSOCIATED PRESS Bonneville, Oregon - 21 June 2022 9. Indigenous fishing scaffolds on the Columbia River    ASSOCIATED PRESS Bonneville, Oregon - 21 June 2022 10. Betty Jean Sutterlict talking to son as he uses a dip net to fish for salmon 11. Aerial view of dip net fishing ASSOCIATED PRESS Celilo Village, Oregon - 19 June 2022 12. Sacred roots harvested by Yakama Nation tribe members 13. The Celilo Village Longhouse 14. Various of food preparation ++SOT PARTIALLY COVERED++ 15. SOUNDBITE (English) Elaine Harvey, biologist for Yakama Nation fisheries: "The Columbia River really brings people together in the springtime. But, you know, we have feasts up and down this river in our families fish. We continue to fish all along the river here." 16. Setting the table with the Yakama Nation first foods in order, salmon, roots, berries ASSOCIATED PRESS Cascade Locks, Oregon - 21 June 2022 17. Salmon ASSOCIATED PRESS The Dalles, Oregon - 19 June 2022 18. Mt. Hood ASSOCIATED PRESS Celilo Village, Oregon - 19 June 2022 ++SOT PARTIALLY COVERED++ 19. SOUNDBITE (English) Elaine Harvey, biologist for Yakama Nation fisheries: "As river people, you know, we see what's happening in our area there, the increased population, the expansion of cities and rural areas, you know, and progress in general." ASSOCIATED PRESS Goldendale, Oregon - 19 June 2022 20. Wind turbines ASSOCIATED PRESS Cascade Locks, Oregon - 18 June 2022 21. Windsurfers on the Columbia River ASSOCIATED PRESS Celilo Village, Oregon - 19 June 2022 22. SOUNDBITE (English) Elaine Harvey, biologist for Yakama Nation fisheries: "The consequences are, you know, on the backs of the environment and the tribes resources." ASSOCIATED PRESS Rufus, Oregon - 19 June 2022 23. Indigenous fishing scaffolds near the John Day Dam ASSOCIATED PRESS The Dalles, Oregon - 19 June 2022 24. The Dalles Dam on the Columbia River ASSOCIATED PRESS Underwood, Washington - 21 June 2022 25. The White Salmon River, a tributary of the Columbia River ASSOCIATED PRESS Lyle, Washington - 19 June 2022 26. Aerial view of Lyle Falls on the Klickitat River 27. Yakama Nation elder James Kiona walking toward Lyle Falls on the Klickitat River ++SOT PARTIALLY COVERED++ 28. SOUNDBITE (English) James Kiona, Yakama Nation elder: "That water is our life. That's why we say the river is so sacred because without water man, everything will die." 29. Kiona standing on a cliff edge overlooking Lyle Falls ASSOCIATED PRESS Cascade Locks, Oregon - 18 June 2022 30. Various of Brigham Campbell dip net fishes along the Columbia River ASSOCIATED PRESS Lyle, Washington - 19 June 2022 ++COVERED++ 31. SOUNDBITE (English) James Kiona, Yakama Nation elder: ++COVERED++ Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter:   / ap_archive   Facebook:   / aparchives   ​​ Instagram:   / apnews   You can license this story through AP Archive:
