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Navigating Niche for School Counselors 1 год назад

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Navigating Niche for School Counselors

Applying to college is a stressful process for students, and it's your job to help them through it! In this video, our Niche School Counselor Bo (@thatschoolcounselor) will walk you through how to use the free tools on to help your students through the college search and college application process. We'll go over Niche's college profiles, the College Quiz, the student dashboard, our Admissions Calculator, our college compare tool, scholarships, and our resource blog. Chapters: 0:00 Navigating Niche for Counselors 1:30 College Profiles 3:32 College Quiz 4:57 Dashboard 6:47 Admissions Calculator 8:19 Compare Colleges 9:16 Scholarships 9:44 Blog 💚 Follow Niche Social 💚 TikTok:   / nichesocial   Instagram:   / nichesocial   Discord:   / discord   💚 Discover Niche Resources 💚 Scholarships: College Quiz: College Application Timeline: Blog:
