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Adam Goldberg: Answering Machine | THE MORTFIED SESSIONS | Sundance Channel

THE MORTIFIED SESSIONS, Mondays at 10P on Sundance Channel. Adam Goldberg has a very unusual collection. In an all new season of The Mortified Sessions, take a hilarious trip into the awkward childhood experiences of Marc Maron, Kristin Bauer, Busy Philipps, Gillian Jacobs, Matt Walsh, Mark Duplass, and many more of today's most fascinating celebrities. From fumbling first romances to attention-getting antics, every mortifying memory is a testament to the trials and tribulations of growing up. THE MORTIFIED SESSIONS cracks opens a mystery box of the most revealing mementos from a celebrity's past to shed light on who they are today. From embarrassing teenage photos to love-sick song lyrics, our treasure trove of personal history is always full of surprising and insightful revelations. Whether we lift the lid on laughter or tears, every item is a turning point in a life's journey. Hosted by the creator of the nationwide performance sensation and bestselling book series, Mortified, Dave Nadelberg, every episode of THE MORTIFIED SESSIONS introduces you to the true person behind the image. And just as Facebook gives our memories new life, we now can all see a little bit of ourselves in our favorite celebrities. Like us on Facebook --   / themortifiedsessions   Find out more about THE MORTIFIED SESSIONS -- Follow us on Twitter --   / sundancechannel  
