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豆腐做法【板豆腐/木綿豆腐】How to Make Tofu 5 лет назад

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豆腐做法【板豆腐/木綿豆腐】How to Make Tofu

豆腐做法 ---- 自己在家怎麼用醋做出超水嫩的純手工豆腐 How to Make Super Tender Tofu with Vinegar by Yourself at Home 現代人製作豆腐的方法,依其凝固材料的不同,主要可分為採用石膏與採用鹽滷兩種方法。然而,許多人會擔心分不清楚可食用石膏與不可食用的石膏;鹽滷則較不易買到,也會擔心海水汙染的問題。事實上,《本草綱目》一書記載豆腐的做法如下:「凡黑豆、黃豆及白豆、泥豆、豌豆、綠豆之類,皆可為之。水浸,磑碎。濾去渣,煎成。以滷汁或山礬葉或酸漿醋淀,就釜收之。」《本草綱目》中亦說:「豆腐之法,始於前漢劉安」。由此可知,以醋做為凝固劑來製作豆腐,是十分正統且歷史悠久的方法。 我們這邊就與大家分享如何用釀造醋做傳統豆腐(又稱板豆腐或木綿豆腐),做好之後,倒些醬油膏就超好吃的。其實,只要會自己做豆漿的話,做豆腐一點都不難哦,多兩三個步驟而已… 😊 豆腐做法的圖文版食譜請見 另外,關於自製豆漿的方法,可參見我們的「豆漿做法」影片 ----    • 豆漿做法 How to Make Soy Milk   It's very convenient and safe to make tofu with vinegar. Actually, making tofu with vinegar is an authentic and traditional way to make tofu. Here, we're gonna show you how easy it is to make super tender tofu with brewed vinegar at home. You can eat it straight away by drizzling some thick soy sauce over it. In fact, It's really simple if you know how to make soy milk by yourself… 😊 For the detailed recipe article, just hit the following link ---- If you wanna know how to make soy milk by yourself, just hit the following link ----    • 豆漿做法 How to Make Soy Milk   #用醋做 #超簡單 #UseVinegar 想免費獲得更多美食食譜,現在就訂閱並開啟小鈴鐺。有任何問題,歡迎在底下留言。支持我,請按「讚」、「分享」、「超級感謝」。 Subscribe and hit the notification bell now to see more gourmet cooking tutorials for free. Leave a comment if you have any questions. Hit the "like" and "share" buttons to show your support. 美食二三事 Cooking23s 追蹤最新消息 Follow ➞ YouTube    / cooking23s   ➞ IG   / cooking23s   ➞ FB   / cooking23s  
