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Скачать с ютуб Reaction/Comparison/Review - The Beach Boys vs The Kinks - Louie Louie - Surf Music vs Garage Rock в хорошем качестве

Reaction/Comparison/Review - The Beach Boys vs The Kinks - Louie Louie - Surf Music vs Garage Rock 1 день назад

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Reaction/Comparison/Review - The Beach Boys vs The Kinks - Louie Louie - Surf Music vs Garage Rock

This is a reaction/comparison/review video comparing The Beach Boys performing a cover version of "Louie Louie" to The Kinks. The Beach Boys add doo-wop along with their great harmonies to give the song a brighter happier feel. Carl Wilson plays a super guitar solo in the instrumental break. Brian Wilson adds a touch of perfection through his production of the song. The Kinks on the other hand give a down and dirty performance giving the song an almost punk feel. Ray Davies vocals are superb giving the song a darker edge. Dave Davies does a wild guitar solo in the instrumental break almost as though he is hitting notes randomly. This is garage rock at it's best! Enjoy ... Link to The Beach Boys video:    • Louie Louie by the Beach Boys   Link to the channel that uploaded the video:    / @buddyfan57   Link to The Kinks video:    • the kinks ♦ louie louie ♦ wide mono   Link to the channel that uploaded the video:    / @ruudtesrockandrollingsixties  
