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Porsche Blasphemy Never Felt So Good: Kelly Moss Safari Spec 911 5 лет назад

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Porsche Blasphemy Never Felt So Good: Kelly Moss Safari Spec 911

Our buddy Will Roegge had a 80s Porsche 911 at one point in time. Then he sold it... then our friends at Kelly Moss Road and Race picked it up. And turned it into this gorgeous 911 Safari spec build. Purists may cringe, but we think this thing is absolutely awesome. Especially from behind the wheel. Help support us and purchase some signed art prints for your walls: High-res photos: Follow Our Crew on Instagram: Larry Chen @larry_chen_foto Louis Yio @lusciousy Tyler Kapper @tylerkophoto Luis Garcia @hatch.jpg Richard Kim @richardkimm Turn on notifications to keep up to date on our latest uploads! Check out our friends on Instagram: @pennzoil @typesauto @rotiform @canonusa @thehoonigans @gridlifeofficial @formulad @yokohamatire @kw_suspension
