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Скачать с ютуб Sonic CD | Full OST with Timestamps | High Quality Soundtrack в хорошем качестве

Sonic CD | Full OST with Timestamps | High Quality Soundtrack 2 года назад

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Sonic CD | Full OST with Timestamps | High Quality Soundtrack

Sonic CD 20th Anniversary Soundtrack Tracklist: 00:00:00 Sonic - You Can Do Anything 00:01:34 Title 00:02:06 Little Planet 00:04:46 Palmtree Panic 00:06:58 Palmtree Panic "G" Mix 00:08:45 Palmtree Panic "P" Mix 00:10:58 Palmtree Panic "B" Mix 00:12:47 Collision Chaos 00:14:51 Collision Chaos "G" Mix 00:16:34 Collision Chaos "P" Mix 00:18:20 Collision Chaos "B" Mix 00:20:06 Tidal Tempest 00:22:27 Tidal Tempest "G" Mix 00:24:14 Tidal Tempest "P" Mix 00:25:59 Tidal Tempest "B" Mix 00:27:46 Quartz Quadrant 00:29:57 Quartz Quadrant "G" Mix 00:31:44 Quartz Quadrant "P" Mix 00:33:41 Quartz Quadrant "B" Mix 00:35:18 Wacky Workbench 00:37:22 Wacky Workbench "G" Mix 00:38:57 Wacky Workbench "P" Mix 00:41:29 Wacky Workbench "B" Mix 00:43:18 Stardust Speedway 00:45:38 Stardust Speedway "G" Mix 00:47:18 Stardust Speedway "P" Mix 00:49:05 Stardust Speedway "B" Mix 00:50:36 Metallic Madness 00:52:27 Metallic Madness "G" Mix 00:54:05 Metallic Madness "P" Mix 00:55:50 Metallic Madness "B" Mix 00:57:31 Boss!! 00:59:19 Final Fever 01:01:08 Zone Clear 01:01:19 Speed Up!! 01:01:44 Invincible!! 01:02:09 Game Over 01:02:23 Special Stage 01:04:42 Cosmic Eternity - Believe In Yourself 01:07:51 Sonic Boom 01:11:04 Stardust Speedway (Cash Cash vs. Jun Senoue) 01:14:09 Sonic Boom (Crush 40 vs. Cash Cash) Composed by - Masafumi Ogata, Naofumi Hataya, & Spencer Nilsen Platform - Sega Saturn All rights for this music belong to the composer(s) and/or licence holder(s). Please show your support to the composers by purchasing their soundtracks however you can! Please leave a like, share, and subscribe. Let me know your thoughts on the soundtrack in the comments! All the best!
