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Preparing Models for Substance 3D Painter in Blender | Adobe Substance 3D 2 года назад

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Preparing Models for Substance 3D Painter in Blender | Adobe Substance 3D

In this video we look at how to properly prepare our 3D models in Blender to make our texturing process more efficient inside of Substance 3D Painter. If you want to see this process for other applications, check out this playlist:    • Preparing Models for Substance 3D Pai...   Subscribe to Adobe Substance 3D: Learn more Adobe Substance 3D: About Substance 3D Adobe Substance 3D is a complete suite of smart creative apps and high-end content that gives artists everything they need to create 3D digital content. With Substance 3D, set up the perfect shot, explore the high-end 3D asset library, give life to your 3D art, build complex models, and more. Get the Adobe Substance 3D Collection. This channel will showcase what’s possible with Substance 3D, from inspiration to in-depth tutorials. Make sure to subscribe to the channel for videos on all things Substance 3D related, including content around Designer, Painter, Modeler, Stager, and Sampler. Connect with Adobe Substance 3D: Twitter:   / substance3d   Facebook:   / adobesubstance3d   Instagram:   / substance3dart   LinkedIn:   / substance3d   Discord:   / discord   #Adobe #AdobeSubstance3D #AdobeYouTube Preparing Models for Substance 3D Painter in Blender | Adobe Substance 3D    • Preparing Models for Substance 3D Pai...  
