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Using Workbooks To Homeschool | Pros & Cons | How to Homeschool

Using workbooks to homeschool. You can find workbooks everywhere, but are they helpful? In this video, I explain the pros and cons of using workbooks when homeschooling. 💕 WORKBOOKS I RECOMMEND! 💕 👉 Evan Moor - 👉 Brain Quest - 👉 Scholastic - Here are some other videos that you might enjoy. How to homeschool multiple ages 👇    • How to Homeschool Multiple Ages | How...   ✨ Homeschool Confetti Planner - ✨Homeschool Jumpstart Guide - ✨Education Consultation Call - My name is Felicia Wright and I’m an unconventional homeschooling mom and teacher that stepped off the beaten path and now I help other parents do the same. After teaching for several years I discovered that school dimmed the light of so many children and I didn't want to participate anymore. Now I help families as a family education consultant as well as share what I have learned as a business owner. I believe that as a community we can create better educational outcomes if we work together. It is time to come together to create a better system for our children; even if that means bringing our kids home. Thank you so much for watching my videos and caring about the future of children. I post videos regarding homeschooling and business. Please subscribe and share and let's change the world together. Join the conversation to reshape how we see education. A one size fits all model does not work, school choice and education alternatives are what our children need. 🤓 Leave a comment below on a video and share your thoughts! Like confetti, we’re all different. Felicia 💕💕💕 Stay up to date with me! 🎉 Website - Instagram - DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you.
