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A Winter’s Charm in Carson City | A Heartwarming Holiday Short Film by Visit Carson City 1 день назад

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A Winter’s Charm in Carson City | A Heartwarming Holiday Short Film by Visit Carson City

Carson City, Nevada, is like a Hallmark movie set during the winter season. So, we made it into one! A Winter’s Charm in Carson City is a short film that shows off the beauty of the Sierra, quaint and cozy streets, and an abundance of cold-weather activities for the whole family to enjoy. The story follows a big city girl on a business trip as she tries to lock in a big promotion. What she doesn’t expect is how the beauty and charm of this small town—along with her childhood crush—help her rediscover the magic of Carson City and the spirit of the season. (DISCLAIMER: Visiting Carson City may include falling in love, twirling in the snow, and a new obsession with the magic of small-town charm.) 🌟Head to to plan your trip and see how your winter story will unfold.
