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Rare Finds: The world-class Neve at Blackbird Studio, Nashville

Rare Finds this time takes us to the iconic Blackbird Studio in Nashville. The studio is among the finest on earth and has hosted major recordings by Taylor Swift, John Mayer, Kings of Leon, Beck and countless more. Discover what gear gems owner/founder John McBride has in his collection, from prototype Telefunken mics to an EQ with an incredible heritage. And find out more about Studio A's heavily modded and storied Neve recording console, which has now been modelled in plug-in form by KIT Plugins as the BB N105. Special Thanks to: Blackbird Studio ( KIT Plugins ( Michelle Lorge Matthew Kleinman John McBride Paul Simmons Videographer/Editor Cory Uhls Photo credit Donald Fagen with Steely Dan via Getty (Photo by Charlie Gillett Collection/Redferns)
