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GOLF RULES: When You CAN And CAN'T Practice On The Course! 1 месяц назад

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GOLF RULES: When You CAN And CAN'T Practice On The Course!

Resident Rules of Golf expert Fergus Bisset joins Golf Monthly editor Neil Tappin to discuss the situations where you can practice on the golf course and perhaps more importantly, where you can't practice to ensure you don't incur any avoidable penalty shots! The Rules of Golf can sometimes feel confusing and complicated, so hopefully this video explains the Rules of Golf in a way that makes them easier to understand. ► Did any of these rules surprise you? Let us know in the comments below! 💬 ► Video filmed on location at The London Club. For more information visit the website: ► Become a FREE SUBSCRIBER to Golf Monthly's YouTube page now -    / golfmonthlycoukmagazine   ► Watch more rules content on Golf Monthly... 📹 What to do when you lose your golf ball! 👉    • What To Do When You LOSE YOUR GOLF BA...   📹 6 rules golfers always forget! 👉    • 6 RULES GOLFERS ALWAYS FORGET!   📹 5 surprisingly vague golf rules! 👉    • 5 GOLF RULES THAT ARE SURPRISINGLY VA...   🎵 Music - licensed by Epidemic Sound 🎵 ► For the latest reviews, new gear launches and tour news, visit our website here - ► Find us on social media: Instagram -   / golfmonthly   TikTok -   /   Facebook -   / golfmonthlymagazine   Twitter (X) -   / golfmonthly  
