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My Deep Frustration With Digimon World 2 | Digimon World 2 ( 2000 / PS1) Retrospective

When have you strayed too much from your predecessor? Will the new path make you more of your own thing or a lesser form of something else? Let's talk about one of the drawn-out, most complicated and by far one of the most tedious little dungeon crawling RPGs I've ever touched as we tackle Digimon World 2 (2000) for the PlayStation. Very special thanks to my friend Nick The Game Apologist for drawing the thumbnail art!    / gameapologist   Digimon World 2 Walkthrough by SYusup: Digimon World 2 Digivolution Chart by Dotcomthesecond: Digimon World 2 DNA Digivolution Guide by Dogeci: Channel Main Theme | High Above The Land (Shovel Knight Remix) - James Landino. Please support the artist!: If you want to keep up with what I'm up to, follow me on Twitter for all the updates!   / wayneisboss   I'm also on Bluesky!: Join other wonderful supporters on Patreon to help me make videos and receive exclusive rewards!   / wayneisboss   You can catch me and my friends on our Sonic podcast over at Sunset City!    / @sunsetcity   Join the Discussion! The Discord Server is open to the community! ​  / discord   Check out My Streams on Twitch and the archives on my Let's Play channel Boss Rush!   / wayneisboss      / @-bossrush-thewayneisbossar8564   Be sure to like the video and subscribe for more content! Don't forget to ring that bell so you never miss out on a new video! Thanks for watching, everyone! See You Next Mission. #digimon #digimonworld #digimonworld2
