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Getting Into Columbia Business School 11 лет назад

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Getting Into Columbia Business School MBA PodTV host Dilini Fernando takes you to New York City's Columbia Business School. Find out what Columbia looks for in their applicants and learn how to put your best foot forward on your MBA application. You'll get application tips directly from Columbia's admissions director and current Columbia MBA students. Guests: Christina Shelby, Associate Director of Admissions, Columbia Business School Christy Eng-Schumann, Columbia MBA 2010 Ben Koren, Columbia MBA 2011 (January term) Todd McDonald, Columbia MBA 2011 Sara Roure, Columbia MBA 2011 (January term) About: MBA Podcaster is your online source for information, insight, and advice on the MBA admissions process. We deliver relevant information and advice through biweekly audio and video segments for those planning to apply for a Master in Business Administration. Topics include strategies for writing MBA essays, preparing for the MBA interview, GMAT prep, MBA careers, business school rankings, MBA courses, the online MBA, Executive MBA programs, MBA scholarships, post-MBA job opportunities and current market trends.
