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MFJ-2289 Big Ears Portable Ham Radio Antenna Review

I've spent a couple of months with the MFJ-2289 Big Ears antenna now. It fits right in the portable but no ultra-light category. The name of the antenna is justified as it an outstanding receive antenna. Its no slouch in the transmit area as well. I was easily able to talk on single sideband from California to the east coast of the US   / hoshnasi   Interested in Peak Design products? Check out my link! COUPON CODE: Hoshnasi for a free gift! Discord.....................►  / discord   Facebook.................►   / hoshnasi   Twitter......................►  / hoshnasi   Instagram.................►  / hoshnasi   SnapChat..................►@Hoshnasi Music by: Sonic D: Music wanted!! Send me a message on any of the above if you have some deep cuts you want me to use! Mail: P.O Box 5101 Cerritos, Ca. 90703-5101. (If your send me something PLEASE include a name or something you want me to give a shoutout to!) Thanks!
