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How to start Deal Sourcing as a COMPLETE BEGINNER?

➡️ Join Samuel Leeds' Property Crash Course for ONLY £1: The Challenge: Investor or Deal First? 🤔 Are you looking to get started in property deal sourcing but unsure which approach works best for you? In this video, Samuel breaks down two powerful strategies: Bespoke Deal Sourcing and Co-Deal Sourcing. Whether you're starting with no investor list or want to partner with experienced deal sourcers, Samuel will show you how to make money in property without heavy overheads or years of experience. 📈 In this video, you’ll learn: → The key differences between bespoke and co-deal sourcing → How to find and work with investors from scratch → The simple steps to start deal sourcing TODAY, even without a long investor list → Real-life examples of how to make both strategies work for you! ➡️ Sign up for the Property Investors Crash Course for ONLY £1: 🎬 VIDEO CHAPTERS: 00:00 What is Deal Sourcing? 💼 00:59 What is Bespoke Deal Sourcing? 📝 01:56 Working with One Investor – Example 🏗️ 03:22 What is Co-Deal Sourcing? 🤝 Share this video:    • How to start Deal Sourcing as a COMPL...   OTHER USEFUL LINKS: 🎙️ LISTEN: Samuel Leeds' Podcast: 🎥 WATCH: How to Build a Property Portfolio from Scratch in Just 7 DAYS:    • Financial Freedom Challenge (EXTENDED...   📖 READ: My favourite book: ♟️ PLAY: Get the Property Millionaire Boardgame: ❓ Have a question about property? Join my Property Facebook Group:   / 778613042238071   🗣️ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: → Instagram:   / samuelleeds   → TikTok:   / samuel_leeds   → Facebook Group:   / 778613042238071   → Facebook Page:   / officialsamuelleeds   → Twitter:   / samuel_leeds   → LinkedIn:   / samuel-leeds-64660683   For collaboration enquiries, please email [email protected] 🔔 Subscribe for daily content: WARNING Samuel Leeds will never give out his number in the comments of this YouTube channel. There is currently a channel impersonating Samuel Leeds and commenting on videos with a number to message about investing in cryptocurrencies so please beware of this. #DealSourcing #PropertyInvestment #FinancialFreedom #RealEstateInvesting #BespokeSourcing #CoDealSourcing #DealSelling #DealPackaging #PropertyDeals #PassiveIncome #RealEstateTips #SamuelLeeds #PropertyBusiness #InvestingInProperty #RealEstateOpportunities #WealthBuilding #InvestmentStrategies #BuyToLet #HouseFlipping #PropertyDevelopment
