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Скачать с ютуб Canada sanctions target 13 Myanmar military senior government officials. By Mr Sharife 08.Mar.2025 в хорошем качестве

Canada sanctions target 13 Myanmar military senior government officials. By Mr Sharife 08.Mar.2025 2 дня назад

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Canada sanctions target 13 Myanmar military senior government officials. By Mr Sharife 08.Mar.2025

condemn and stand against military coup in Myanmar. 2. We Rohingya want realethnic minority groups in Myanmar. Rohingy News MyanmarConflict #KachinConflict #KIA # Kachin MilitaryCoup​ #Latest From Myanmar​ Save Myanmar​ #Save Burma​ #SupportToCivilDisobedience​ #WeWantDemocracy​ #W democracy government for all eNeedJustice​ #FreeDawAungSanSuuKyi​ #FreeOurPresident​ #RejectDictactorship​ #AgainstMilitaryCoup​ # Military Coup​ National Unity Government of Myanmar #NUG #National Unity Government of Myanmar CRPH #CDM #PDF We Rohingya with #MilkTeaAlliance​ movement "BEST OF LUCK". "All For One, One For All" "We Must WIN!" #MilkTeaAlliance Myanmar​ #whatishappeninginmyamar​ #RejectMilitaryCoup​ #ASEAN_Respect_Our_Vote​ Save #Maynmar​ #SaveRohingya​ Rohingya Daily News LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE Arakan Times​ { Rohingya's Voice } Watch #Rohingya​ Daily #News​! #Rohingya​ #RohingyaNews​ #ArakanRohingya​ #AT News Channel​ #AT News​ #Arakan​ #Myanmar​ #Burma​ Description #Rohingya Online TV​ #Rohingya News​ #Myanmar​ #BroadcastNews​ #TVNEWS​ #MyanmarTV News​ #Myanmar Channel News​ #Mynamar Online TV​ #Myanmar Youtube Channel​ #Rohingya​ #Myanmar​ #Burma​ #Arakan​ #Rakhine​ #Maungdaw​ #Buthidaung​ #Rathedaung​ Vision The Rohingya are a people who pride their existence for centuries in #Myanmar​ and achievements amidst the nations of the world. Mission To revive the culture and spirit of the Rohingyas throughout the world via the new media channels and social networking Goals • To create a vivid Rohingya media through developing various media programs to focus the news throughout the world • To bring awareness of the Rohingya crisis to the world through the media networking programs • To promote the spirit of cooperation and coordination with the people around the world • To stop Rohingya from deviating to extremism • To promote peace and to pride on Rohingya's Islamic identity • To promote Rohingya genius and outstanding people as one of the ethnic minority group of Myanmar which has been denied by Myanmar government despite its existence in Myanmar for centuries • To promote Rohingya culture, history and civilization among the Rohingya youths to prove the world as one of the civilized minority group of Myanmar • To document Rohingya history and events to the people across the world We Are Trying To Update Rohingya News To The International Community With The Little Hope Of Life Since Myanmar Government Denying Us To Accord Citizen. Broadcasting & Media Production, Rohingya, Myanmar Arakan Times သတင္​းဌာနရဲ႕ ရည္​ရြယ္​ခ်က္​ အဖိႏိွပ္​ခံ #႐ိုဟင္ဂ်ာလူမ်ိဳး​ ၾကံဳ​ေတြ႔ခံစား​ေနရ​ေသာ ခြဲျခားဆက္​ဆံမႈ၊ ညင္​ပန္​း ႏိွပ္​စက္​မႈ၊ လူ႔အခြင္​့အ​ေရး ဆံုးရွံဴး မႈ မ်ားကို ႏိုင္​ငံတကာ လူ႔အခြင္​့​ေရးဆိုင္​ရာ အဖြဲ႔အစည္​းမ​်ား သိ႐ွိႏိုင္​ရန္​ႏွင္​့ ႐ိုဟင္​ဂ်ာမ်ား၏ လက္​႐ွိျဖစ္​ပ်က္​​ေန​ေသာ အ​ေျခအ​ေနကို အခ်ိန္​တ​ေျပးညီ တင္​ျပတင္​ဆက္​ရန္။ Arakan Times သတင္​းဌာနရဲ႕ ရည္​ရြယ္​ခ်က္​ အဖိႏိွပ္​ခံ ႐ိုဟင္​ဂ်ာလူမ်ိဳး ၾကံဳ​ေတြ႔ခံစား​ေနရ​ေသာ ခြဲျခားဆက္​ဆံမႈ၊ ညင္​ပန္​း ႏိွပ္​စက္​မႈ၊ လူ႔အခြင္​့အ​ေရး ဆံုးရွံဴး မႈ မ်ားကို ႏိုင္​ငံတကာ လူ႔အခြင္​့​ေရးဆိုင္​ရာ အဖြဲ႔အစည္​းမ​်ား သိ႐ွိႏိုင္​ရန္​ႏွင္​့ ႐ိုဟင္​ဂ်ာမ်ား၏ လက္​႐ွိျဖစ္​ပ်က္​​ေန​ေသာ အ​ေျခအ​ေနကို အခ်ိန္​တ​ေျပးညီ တင္​ဆက္​ရန္​ ႐ိုဟင္​ဂ်ာမ်ား လူအခြင္​့အ​ေရးဆိုင္​ရာ အခြင္​့အ​ေရးအျပည္​့အ၀ရ႐ွိကာ ျမန္​မာႏိုင္​ငံ၏ တျခားတိုင္​းရင္​းသားနည္​းတူ တန္​းတူအခြင္​့အ​ေရးရ႐ွိႏိုင္​ရန္​ တ​ေထာင္​့တ​ေနရာမွာ ႀကိဳးပမ္​း​ေဆာင္​ရြက္​ရန္​ ။ ႐ိုဟင္​ဂ်ာမ်ား လူအခြင္​့အ​ေရးဆိုင္​ရာ အခြင္​့အ​ေရးအျပည္​့အ၀ရ႐ွိကာ ျမန္​မာႏိုင္​ငံ၏ တျခားတိုင္​းရင္​းသားနည္​းတူ တန္​းတူအခြင္​့အ​ေရးရ႐ွိႏိုင္​ရန္​ တစ္​​ေထာင္​့တ​စ္​ေနရာမွာ ႀကိဳးပမ္​း​ေဆာင္​ရြက္​ရန္​ ။ For Contact : Email : [email protected]​   / arakan_times​     / ​​​   / arakan-ro​.  . © Copyright ArakanTimes Convergence Limited 2014. All Rights Reserved
