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Скачать с ютуб Gorgc announces on his stream that w33ha will be their new MIDLANER in the DPC 2022-2023 в хорошем качестве

Gorgc announces on his stream that w33ha will be their new MIDLANER in the DPC 2022-2023 2 года назад

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Gorgc announces on his stream that w33ha will be their new MIDLANER in the DPC 2022-2023

#gorgc #teambald #dota2 CREDITS: Thanks for tuning in. Liking the video would be very helpful. Subscribing the channel would be SUPER helpful! :D Hope you enjoy guys! I do not you own this clip and if you wanted to be taken down, please send an email to @[email protected]. #Dota2 #Dota2clips #Dota2shorts #dota2major #dota2dpctour3 #dota2dpc #Stockholmmajor #Dota2beta #Dotawtf #Dotaclips #Dota2live #Dota2gameplay #Dota2Twitch #Twitchclips #Gorgc #Xcalibur #Team Bald #Qojqva #Saberlight #SaberChad #topson #Dubu #sumail #miracle #miracledota #miracledota2 #nigma #nigmagalaxy #egdota2 #teamsecret #nounsdota2 #nouns #gunnardota2 #arteezy #rtz #abed #notail #ame #psglgd #theinternational2022
