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The Notorious IBE 2012 All Battles All Bboy | YAK FILMS DrumDreamers 12 лет назад

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The Notorious IBE 2012 All Battles All Bboy | YAK FILMS DrumDreamers

Music: ChapiChapo ( By Oliver ) == DrumDreamers Music == YAK IBE   / oliver_official   The Notorious IBE is a three-day international Hip Hop Dance Festival which takes place in Heerlen, The Netherlands. The festival focuses on different aspects of the dance like battles, jamsessions, workshops, panels and media. In 2012 The Notorious IBE celebrated it's 12th edition.   / thenotoriousibe   These are the dancers who participated in the All Battles All: Red Bull BC One All Stars : Roxrite (USA) - Taisuke (Japan) - Ronnie (USA) - Pelezinho (Brasil) - Hong 10 (Korea) - Neguin (Brasil) - Lil G (Venezuela) - Cico (Italy) Young Gunz : Prada G (USA) - Justen (Holland) - Fleau (Canada) - Thayson (Brasil) - Issei (Japan) - Jeremy (USA) - Kid Colombia (Holland) - Sunni (UK) - Pocket (Korea) - Vicious Victor (USA) Team France : Mounir - Marcio - Billy Boy - Charly - Nabil - Niggaz - Lamine - Farid - Khalil - Damon - Fathi - Shakal - Salah © YAK FILMS 2012
