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"Unmasking" Psychoeducational Evaluations for Families Трансляция закончилась 3 года назад

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"Unmasking" Psychoeducational Evaluations for Families

If your child has special needs, then at some point they have had or will have a psychoeducational evaluation. Do you know what to expect? How can these evaluation results impact your child's IEP or learning plan? Join us to learn more in a conversation with our special guest, Dr. Rada West ( Dr. Rada West is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with formal training in clinical neuropsychology. She specializes in developmental, neuropsychological, psychological and independent psychoeducational evaluations from infancy through young adults. Dr. West is passionate about working with children and families to ensure they meet their greatest potential. As part of her great work, she founded West Neurobehavioral Services in 2018 to collaborate with families and professionals in ensuring that each person gets the highest quality and continuity of care. Crystal Sanford, M.Ed., M.A. CCC-SLP Crystal Sanford is the owner and director of Sanford Autism Consulting (​), a consulting practice offering IEP advocacy and parent empowerment classes for fellow special needs families throughout the U.S. Crystal specializes in supporting fellow families impacted by Autism, as well as other unique challenges such as learning disabilities and ADHD. To learn more about IEP assistance and help advocating for the special education your child deserves, contact Crystal at [email protected]. Want to work with Crystal? Here's how: Monthly Conference: California Regional Center families can attend our Crystal Clear IEP Conference, offered monthly on Saturdays. Typically there is no cost to families. Please contact your service coordinator to confirm and register: 1-1 with Crystal: Schedule a strategic IEP Action Planning meeting with Crystal. Bring your top 1-2 IEP concerns and leave with a comprehensive plan for your success! Mention "TSF show" and receive the special guest rate of only $67: IEP Advocacy: Crystal can serve as your personal powerhouse as an advocate in your IEP meetings. Learn more:
