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脊椎側彎運動減痛症-脊醫王鳳恩 (中/Eng Sub) - Scoliosis exercises to mobilize the spine - Dr Matty Wong DC

我今天跟大家說下有些什麼動作可以幫助成人的脊椎側彎引起的痛症. 我們總是聽到脊椎側彎都說兒童的脊椎側彎, 在網上我也 search 也很多是教大怎麼去量度脊椎側彎或者做了 x-ray 的時候那個角度是嚴重呢. 在我另一條片我也說關於兒童脊椎側彎如果大家興趣可以看我之前的片. 今天其實我會集中說成年脊椎側彎, 脊椎側彎其實80至85%也是不明原因的. 在兒童脊椎側彎的個案裡 我們知道十個的兒童有脊椎側彎, 七個是女童三個是男童 也不知道為什麼女孩是比較多一些. 當我們看到他們在9歲至12歲期間看到兒童脊椎側彎 其實我們可以做治療幫助他糾正..... Today I will talk about exercises to reduce pain caused by scoliosis. We always hear about children scoliosis. When I search on the web for children scoliosis, they talk about the cobb's angle and look at x-ray to see how serious is the curve. I also talked about children scoliosis in my previous video. If you are interested you can look at that video. Today I will focus on adult scoliosis. 80-85% of scoliosis is idiopathic, in children scoliosis case within 10 children have scoliosis, 7 are female, 3 are male, not sure why more in female. When we see 9-12 years old kids with scoliosis, we can help them to adjust the spine.... #脊醫王鳳恩 #drmattywong #chiropractor #drwong #脊醫 #脊骨側彎 #兒童脊部 #scoliosiscourse #scoliosistreatment #scoliosistherapy #scoliosisexercise #scoliosisawareness #脊骨側彎運動 Medical Center: MRI scanning: Dr Matty Wong website: Collagen Supplement: 香港中環干諾道中13-14號歐陸貿易中心18樓 (港鐵中環站A出口中環環球大廈旁) 歡迎查詢及預約:+852 2804 6813 18 Floor, Euro Trade Center, 13-14 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong (next to World Wide House, Exit A, MTR Central Station) Enquiry and appointment are welcome: +852 2804 6813 #BodyPerformance - Phsyical Trainer Onna 免責聲明:本影片提供的資訊僅供參考,不能取代專業人士的當面評估或治療,有關個別病情之診療,請向註冊脊醫或註冊西醫查詢 Disclaimer: The content and information provided on this video is for reference only and does not replace medical assessment or professional treatment. Please consult registered chiropractor or registered medical doctor for inquiry
